FCC (Federal Communications Commission) EMC Testing

Megalab supports FCC compliance by conducting thorough testing to ensure electronic products meet FCC requirements for RF regulations, emission rules, and standards, thereby verifying their compliance and suitability for market release, regardless of whether they were manufactured according to FCC specifications.

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FCC Overview

The FCC is an independent federal agency overseen by the United States Congress that is in charge of overseeing, executing, and enforcing intelligence laws and regulations throughout the United States. They have the authority to ensure that manufacturers’ electrical equipment does not interfere with other equipment or harm customers as per Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

What is FCC testing?

An FCC mark / test report is a declaration that an electronic product has been tested to meet FCC requirements. The presence of an FCC mark does not mean that the electrical product is benign or resilient. It basically ensures that it complies with RF regulations. An FCC test does not mean that the device was made in a manner specified by the FCC. The FCC approval / logo signifies that the electronic system complies with FCC emission rules and regulations and has been verified to meet FCC requirements.

Depending on intended use and type of wireless technology a device uses, FCC has different rules and standards that are applicable FCC 15 Un-intentional / intentional radiator devices fall under Verification, Declaration of Conformity and Certification requirements.

Why should you do FCC testing?

Clients who intend on selling electronics in the United States must satisfy the FCC’s specifications. There are two electronic classes: Class A and Class B. Class A devices are mainly used in manufacturing, business, and workplace settings. Electronics in Class B are consumer electronic devices and have more stringent limits. We are an accredited laboratory that offers independent FCC testing services to assist clients in selling their products faster, allowing them to maximise gross revenue and market potential.

Global RF Requirements

Radio frequency conformity is required in the majority of worldwide markets, including the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.

If you import wireless devices or integrate wireless devices into your goods, you must follow the rules of your intended markets. Radio frequency monitoring can also detect issues early, allowing our clients to prevent expensive rework and gain rapid entry to foreign markets.

What are the steps to FCC testing?

For FCC Certification steps are as follows:
1. The client must obtain a free FCC Registration Number (FRN)
2. The client must use their FRN to register with FCC
3. Contact Megalab to analyze, test, and complete a test report on your item.
4. A telecommunication certification body (TCB) will review the test documentation and issue certification to the client on behalf of the FCC.
5. The TCB will send the client a Grant Equipment Authorization
6. The client can then legally market/sell their product in the United States.

If you are ready to improve your consumer base and sell/distribute electronic devices with radio frequency emissions in the United States, Megalab can help you achieve domestic market access by offering advice on FCC regulations. Instead of an FCC testing centre or a TCB, we are a third-party consultancy firm. As we have the experience with FCC regulations as well as relationships with TCBs, we are fully capable of assisting you with FCC testing and certification.

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