Conducted Immunity Testing
Megalab facilitates the EFT immunity test to simulate real-world inductive load switching for products with power, signal ports, or both, employing direct or capacitative coupling methods. It examines the impact of devices like solenoids, motors, switch contactors, relays, and actuators on client products.
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What is Conducted Immunity Testing?
What is the Electrical Fast Transient Immunity Test (IEC/EN 61000-4-4)?
The EFT immunity test is an attempt to replicate realistic inductive load switching by using either direct or capacitative coupling depending on whether your product has a power, a signal port, or both. Below are several examples of inductive load switches which may influence a client’s product:
- Solenoids
- Motors
- Switch contactors
- Relays
- Actuators
What is the Voltage Dip, Short Interruption, and Voltage Variation Immunity Test (IEC/EN 61000-4-11)?
This test specifies the immunity testing procedures and preferred test thresholds for electrical and electronic devices attached to low-voltage power supply networks for voltage dips, discontinuities (aka short interruptions), and voltage variations.
- Voltage dip: drop(s) in voltage. Typically induced by failures in the electrical grid, the product installation, or a significant shift in electrical load.
- Discontinuities: break(s) in voltage. Typically induced by the operation of automated reclosing systems.
- Voltage variations: constant change(s) in voltage. Typically induced by continuously changing loads attached to the electrical grid.
What is the Surge Immunity Test (IEC/EN 61000-4-5)?
Surge immunity testing is intended to mimic low-frequency surges. Below are a few examples of situations one would expect to see surge events:
- Flyback voltage spike
- Power grid insulation defects
- Indirect Lightning
What is the Conducted Susceptibility Test (IEC/EN 61000-4-6)?
Conducted susceptibility tests are used to simulate RF noise superimposed on power lines and IO signal lines.
Conducted susceptibility is injected using BCI (Bulk current injection) or CDN (Coupling De-coupling networks).
Conducted Immunity Tests: Standard Lists
- IEC/EN 61000-4-4
- IEC/EN 61000-4-11
- IEC/EN 61000-4-5
- IEC/EN 61000-4-6
- FCC standards
- ISED Standards
- EU Standards
- IEC / CISPR Standards
Conducted Immunity Tests: Country List
- Canada
- Europe
- Japan
- Australia
- New Zealand
- South Korea
- Taiwan
- And many more. Please speak with one of our engineers to see if we can help with your specific requirement.